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    Winner of the Autism Society of America’s Literary Work of the Year Award, this first book in Sheila Wagner’s Inclusive Programming series provides an inclusion program for students with autism spectrum disorders. Teachers, parents, and students alike will benefit from Sheila’s insight and presentation as she outlines both theories and applications of inclusive programming for elementary school students.
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    Even though inclusive education is now the standard for educating students with special needs, inclusion is a still a very new process. Successful inclusion relies on flexibility of parents and educators, and their ability to work together for the sake of the student. Training, collaboration, specialized teaching, long-term planning, and a clear idea of the desired outcome for the student—these are just as important at the high school level as they were in elementary and middle school.
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    Middle school presents unique challenges to those with autism / Asperger’s, but it can also be exciting and rewarding. Inclusive Programming addresses transitioning to and from middle school, and everything in between: hormones, cliques, bullying, aggression, and “fitting in.” The ingredients for success are pre-planning, frequent monitoring of progress, teacher training, and regular communication between all concerned.
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    Winner of the ASA Outstanding Literary Work of the Year Award, Just This Side of Normal is a powerful story of a parent’s search for understanding in a world that sometimes makes no sense. This book was one of the first autobiographies written by a parent of a child with autism and it continues to inspire both parents and professionals in the autism community.
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    After more than 17 years of experience working with teachers struggling to implement an effective learning program for special needs kids, Dr. Lori Ernsperger decided it was about time someone created a comprehensive resource for practical use in the classroom. She wrote this book as a practical, step-by-step guide to educating students with autism.
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    En el querido libro clásico The Way I See It (ahora en español!), la Dra. Temple Grandin aborda los problemas REALES del autismo, los que enfrentan los padres, maestros e individuos en el espectro todos los días. En esta quinta edición actualizada, Temple ofrece consejos útiles sobre qué hacer y qué no hacer, estrategias prácticas y consejos para probarlo, todo basado en su perspectiva interna y una gran cantidad de investigación.
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    Feelings can be so confusing. Just when kids begin to understand their own emotions, they are expected to understand what other people are feeling, too. This book will help children identify various facial expressions and the feelings behind them.
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    Recommended by world-renowned author and speaker Dr. Temple Grandin, this children’s book paints a picture of what life is like for children with autism. Unique illustrations accompany a child’s voice as he explains the different ways he thinks, sees, hears, and feels.
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    As a popular advice columnist in the UK, Barbara Jacobs never suspected she’d be the one needing the relationship advice. But when she fell in love with Danny, a man with Asperger’s Syndrome, she quickly learned to expect the unexpected. In this book, Barbara candidly delves into the dynamics of their relationship.
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    Music therapy is the use of music to address non-musical goals. More and more parents and professionals are finding that music can break down barriers for children with autism in areas such as cognition, communication, and socialization.
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    This book’s vivid illustrations and charming storyline will foster tolerance and understanding among peers, while the printable coloring pages will enlighten and engage learners!
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    Anne Addison was overwhelmed when she brought Jack home from the hospital. In those first few days, Anne had a vague intuition that something was not right. Two years later, Jack was diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, speech and language delays, sensory integration problems, and subsequently, was found to have Asperger’s Syndrome.
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    If you or someone you know has been diagnosed with a pervasive developmental disorder (autism, Asperger’s Syndrome, Rett Syndrome, Childhood Disintegrative Disorder, or PDD-NOS), this book is for you. In an informative style, weaved with personal stories from parents, author Mitzi Waltz covers various topics.
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    Written by Michele Griffin, an occupational therapist, this picture book is a must for any child with sensory processing disorder. Pete finds his clothes uncomfortable and can’t stand “paint, soap, and things with lumps.” He explains this to his mother and the reader in this fun children’s book, as he and his mother navigate a difficult morning in the life of a young boy with sensory issues.
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    Preparing for Life guides readers through the legal, financial, educational, vocational, and community resources available after graduation.
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    Make leisure time fun for all children and adults with autism spectrum disorders! Leisure time should be a part of the day that all look forward to enjoying, but for many it can cause anxiety and fear. This book provides comprehensive, structured strategies to introducing meaningful leisure time to ASD children and adults, which they can practice at home, school, and in the community.
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    Leave behind confusing textbooks and unreliable websites. This book will guide you through your child’s early years by providing sound advice based on over twenty years of experience. In an easy-to-read, question-answer format, Dr. Jim Ball explains what makes your child tick, how to get the most out of early intervention services, and how to choose the most effective treatment options.
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    Developing healthy visual-motor abilities is more difficult in the complex stimulus of today’s world than ever before, especially for those with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Our visual experiences can be overwhelmed by the vast complexity of artificial colors and sounds which did not exist in our ancestors’ lives. Much more time is spent indoors, exposed to a myriad of unnatural colors, movement, and imagery.
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    In the real world, people on the autism spectrum need the same kinds of day-to-day skills everyone else needs to be functional! It’s true. No matter how high-functioning children with autism or Asperger’s may be or may become, they function better as adults if they’ve had the chance to learn basic skills, from being on time to good personal hygiene.
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    Now more than ever, states are mandating that children with special needs be included in the general education classroom. As a result, all educational professionals, from teachers to administrators, need specific training on how to handle unusual behaviors.
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    Now more than ever, states are mandating that children with special needs be included in the general education classroom. As a result, all educational professionals, from teachers to administrators, need specific training on how to handle unusual behaviors.
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    No More Meltdowns

    It could happen anywhere: at the grocery store, at a restaurant, at school, or at home. Meltdowns are stressful for both child and adult, but Dr. Baker can help! Author of the award-winning Social Skills Picture Book series, Dr. Jed Baker offers parents and teachers strategies for preventing and managing meltdowns.
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    This fascinating new book fills a missing void in the child-rearing world. It explains everything from the basics of nursing to SIDS, to facial massage, and finishes with the secrets to good speech development and keys to enhancing your child’s best natural appearance.
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    It is no secret that the arts are often underestimated when it comes to education. But author Toni Flowers knows better. Art encourages communication, positive self-image, concept development, spatial relationships, fine-motor skills, and many more facets of healthy child development.


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