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    Behavior isn’t an isolated event. All behavior is communication, and when it comes to figuring out what your child is trying to say, Dr. Jim Ball has the answers. This book walks the reader through a variety of scenarios that will explore why a child may engage in a specific behavior, and help you build your “behavior-investigator” skills to develop a behavior plan that works.
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    Born with autism, both Temple Grandin and Sean Barron now live famously successful social lives. However, their paths were quite different. Temple’s logical mind controlled her social behavior. She interacted with many adults and other children, experiencing varied social situations. Logic informed her decision to obey social rules and avoid unpleasant consequences. Sean’s emotions controlled his social behavior. Baffled by social rules, isolated and friendless, he made up his own and applied them to others. When they inevitably broke his rules, he felt worthless and unloved.
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    Death and illness affect every person. Witnessing the dying and death of a person or pet can leave you with many questions. In this book, author Catherine Faherty answers those questions in an autism-friendly, clear and precise way, geared for children, teens, and adults with autism. But this book is not just about death. It also demonstrates the interconnectedness of living and dying and offers simple, positive guidelines for living. Communication Forms to make it easier for the readers and their families, friends, teachers, therapists, or others to identify and respond to the unique needs of the reader.
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    Now more than ever, states are mandating that children with special needs be included in the general education classroom. As a result, all educational professionals, from teachers to administrators, need specific training on how to handle unusual behaviors.
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    Developing healthy visual-motor abilities is more difficult in the complex stimulus of today’s world than ever before, especially for those with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Our visual experiences can be overwhelmed by the vast complexity of artificial colors and sounds which did not exist in our ancestors’ lives. Much more time is spent indoors, exposed to a myriad of unnatural colors, movement, and imagery.
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    Reading provides personal enjoyment, access to information, and opens doors to opportunities throughout life, both recreational and occupational. Reading helps us grow and vicariously experience things we are curious about, and dream about.
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    This book is a must-read for every parent or educator who participates in the IEP process. Dr. Fouse takes readers through the entire range of a “child-centered” educational process, from the initial stages of identification and diagnosis to full implementation and monitoring of the individualized education program.
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    Rudy Simone, an adult with Asperger’s Syndrome and an accomplished author, consultant, and musician, created this insightful resource to help employers, educators, and therapists accommodate this growing population, and to help people with Asperger’s find and keep gainful employment.
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    Winner of the 2000 Oppenheim Toy Portfolio SNAP Award and Dr. Toy’s Best Vacation Children’s Products, 28 Instant Songames is great fun for typical children as well as those with special needs!
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    Sensory Solutions for the Classroom Package

    Original price was: $162.49.Current price is: $98.99.
    Sensory solutions
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    Explains to children autism is just a part of their character.
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    Step-by-step guide through the symptoms, definitions, assessments, and diagnoses of autism spectrum disorders.
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    This book uses photographs of students engaging in a variety of real-life social situations. The realistic format plays to the visual strengths of children with ASD to teach appropriate social behaviors. Color photographs illustrate the “right way” and “wrong way” to approach each situation—and the positive/negative consequences of each. An adult then explains each situation, asking questions such as, “What is happening here?“ Children can role-play skills until they are confident enough to practice them in real life interactions.
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    The teenage years are a time when being social is the #1 priority for kids. But for kids with Asperger’s, who have acute social challenges, these years can be the most difficult, confusing time in their lives. Enter J. D. Kraus, a young man who has been there, done that! He offers practical advice to his peers so they can get the most out of middle school and high school, both academically and socially. From sensory sensitivity to awkwardness, dating to driving, he tackles it all!
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    Recommended by world-renowned author and speaker Dr. Temple Grandin, this children’s book paints a picture of what life is like for children with autism. Unique illustrations accompany a child’s voice as he explains the different ways he thinks, sees, hears, and feels.
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    Winner of the Autism Society of America’s Literary Work of the Year Award, this first book in Sheila Wagner’s Inclusive Programming series provides an inclusion program for students with autism spectrum disorders. Teachers, parents, and students alike will benefit from Sheila’s insight and presentation as she outlines both theories and applications of inclusive programming for elementary school students.
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    Anxiety can be debilitating for anyone, but it can be especially confusing for a child. Learning about emotions helps children recognize connections between thinking and feeling, and the physiological effects of anxiety on the body (sweating, increased heart rate, crying, etc.).
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    From composer Amadeus Mozart to astronomer Carl Sagan, Ledgin examines the evidence of Asperger’s Syndrome in some of history’s most famous men and women and shows how, despite their apparent challenges, each made an immeasurable contribution to the world. A great book to raise the self esteem of those with Asperger’s.
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    With up to 20% of the students in any given classroom affected by Sensory Integration Disorder, Answers to Questions is an invaluable resource for teachers of pre-school through high school.
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    Unique Presentation that will improve the lives of everyone in the family DVD
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    Provides practical advise of dealing with daily challenges.
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    Jayjo Special Needs Book Taking Autism To School
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    Brett and his dog Herman embark on a search for Brett’s mysteriously missing shoe. They playfully and methodically ask questions, such as Who took it? What happened to it? How can I find my shoe? The answers are pretty hilarious, until Brett finally asks the right one, and discovers his shoe in a most unlikely place! Although written to teach the concepts of who, what, where, why, when and how questions for children on the autism spectrum, Who Took My Shoe? will teach, entertain, and delight all youngsters.
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    Join Tobin as he learns how to be a good friend! Tobin is a lonely red engine who cannot seem to make friends. But with the help of his buddies, he discovers that there are little things he can do to be nicer to those around him. Tobin soon finds that he is surrounded by friends who truly enjoy working and playing with him. Parents and teachers can use this book to teach friendship skills to children who find social interactions challenging.
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    The main objective of this book is to assist young individuals with Asperger’s and Autism to overcome the big leap from high school to life outside of public education. The time right after high school can be a very frightening experience. What a person decides from this point on ultimately affects the rest of his or her life.
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    The FIRST children’s book by these two authors, Temple Did It and I Can Too! will help guide and inspire kids to reach their full potential. Winner of a 2015 Academic’s Choice Award, this book explains the obstacles Dr. Temple Grandin faced while growing up, the  the rules she followed to overcome them, and her path to become a leading animal scientist and a world-famous advocate for those with autism. This colorful, hardcover book even includes worksheets for kids to identify and reach their goals!
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    When given the chance, young people with Asperger’s can be the most charismatic actors that have ever hit the stage. In this guidebook, author Amelia Davies provides the theories and activities you’ll need to set up acting classes that double as social skills groups for individuals with Asperger’s or high-functioning autism. Included are acting exercises and plays that teach actors how to control and use body language, nonverbal communication, tone of voice, facial expressions, and movement, which are all important social skills.
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    When there is a child with special needs in your family, it can be easy to overlook your own needs, desires, and dreams, or those of the ones you love. Long-awaited and much-needed, this book addresses the real-life impact a special needs child has on family relationships.
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    Many kids have some form of SPD (Sensory Processing Disorder), but who can help them overcome their daily struggles? Wait! They can help themselves! Lynda Farrington Wilson, along with Tyler and some delightful illustrations, help kids help themselves through daily life like no one has before with some great everyday tips and techniques.
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    Make leisure time fun for all children and adults with autism spectrum disorders! Leisure time should be a part of the day that all look forward to enjoying, but for many it can cause anxiety and fear. This book provides comprehensive, structured strategies to introducing meaningful leisure time to ASD children and adults, which they can practice at home, school, and in the community.
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    This book’s vivid illustrations and charming storyline will foster tolerance and understanding among peers, while the printable coloring pages will enlighten and engage learners!
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    After more than 17 years of experience working with teachers struggling to implement an effective learning program for special needs kids, Dr. Lori Ernsperger decided it was about time someone created a comprehensive resource for practical use in the classroom. She wrote this book as a practical, step-by-step guide to educating students with autism.
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    Middle school presents unique challenges to those with autism / Asperger’s, but it can also be exciting and rewarding. Inclusive Programming addresses transitioning to and from middle school, and everything in between: hormones, cliques, bullying, aggression, and “fitting in.” The ingredients for success are pre-planning, frequent monitoring of progress, teacher training, and regular communication between all concerned.
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    Even though inclusive education is now the standard for educating students with special needs, inclusion is a still a very new process. Successful inclusion relies on flexibility of parents and educators, and their ability to work together for the sake of the student. Training, collaboration, specialized teaching, long-term planning, and a clear idea of the desired outcome for the student—these are just as important at the high school level as they were in elementary and middle school.
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    La encantadora rima de Arlene Maguire se combina con las vivas ilustraciones en acuarela de Sheila Bailey para llevar al lector en un viaje al descubrimiento. Más allá de nuestras limitaciones físicas existe un mundo de dones únicos para que cada uno de nosotros compartamos. Aunque nos veamos diferentes, somos iguales por dentro.
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    Many children, especially those with developmental delays, have trouble understanding or expressing their feelings. This can result in difficulty with anger management. Listing possible responses to situations—and the likely outcome of each one—allows the child to make informed decisions about which responses to choose (e.g., walking away vs. hitting).
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    ¡Ganador de un premio 2008 Teachers’ Choice Award! Muchos niños, especialmente aquellos con retrasos en el desarrollo, tienen problemas para comprender o expresar sus sentimientos. Esto puede resultar en dificultades con el manejo de la ira. Listar las posibles respuestas a las situaciones, y el resultado probable de cada una, le permite al niño tomar decisiones informadas sobre qué respuestas elegir (por ejemplo, alejarse frente a golpear).
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    ¡Ganador de un premio 2008 Teachers’ Choice Award! La ansiedad puede ser debilitante para cualquiera, pero puede ser especialmente confusa para un niño. Aprender sobre las emociones ayuda a los niños a reconocer las conexiones entre pensar y sentir, y los efectos fisiológicos de la ansiedad en el cuerpo (sudoración, aumento del ritmo cardíaco, llanto, etc.).
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    La edición revisada del innovador libro de 1998 que introdujo el Trastorno del procesamiento sensorial (SPD) a padres, maestros y otros no especialistas. SPD es un problema común y frecuentemente diagnosticado erróneamente en el cual el sistema nervioso central malinterpreta los mensajes de los sentidos. Esta nueva edición presenta información adicional sobre déficits visuales y auditivos, dificultades de habilidades motoras, TDAH, autismo, síndrome de Asperger y otros trastornos relacionados.
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    More than a delightful story, Captain Tommy teaches understanding and kindness. Tommy goes to “”space camp”” and meets John, a boy who seems “”spaced out”” and different from other children. The camp counselor makes Tommy the captain of the spaceship, and gives him the job of getting John to interact with the other space-kids.
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    Steve Gutstein, a psychologist and autism specialist, has dedicated his life to bridging the social gap between children with autism and the rest of us. The result of his efforts is an innovative program—Relational Development Intervention—that takes social skills teaching to the next level.
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    Carly's Voice: Breaking Through Autism - Inspiring book from Carly's point of view.
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    Newly diagnosed Autism aids
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    This Book Details "ordinary life" for Someone Living with Autism
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    Jerry Newport, diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome / High Functioning Autism at age 47, wrote this book for those with developmental disorders, but it resonates with people with any disability. His message: everyone has the power, and the right, to improve the quality of their lives despite their disability. Don’t believe you must be “normal” to be happy; learn to co-exist with neuro-typicals, and become the best human being you can be.
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    Author Robert J. Bernstein has found a different approach based on cognition thinking in helping people of all ages with ASD. Rob’s goal is for people with ASD to be able to live in the world and connect with the people in it as themselves, to express their unique humanity and engage more fully in the human interactions that give life meaning and make it worth the effort of getting out of bed every day. He believes that whatever he does therapeutically must be on the ASD individual’s terms; he or she must lead.
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    This is Gabriel Making Sense of School provides a look into the challenges children with Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) face in the classroom. This easy to read and beautifully illustrated picture book gives teachers, parents and students a better understanding of all seven senses, how they are each affected at school and what kinds of accommodations are necessary to help children with SPD become learning sensations!


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