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    Written by Michele Griffin, an occupational therapist, this picture book is a must for any child with sensory processing disorder. Pete finds his clothes uncomfortable and can’t stand “paint, soap, and things with lumps.” He explains this to his mother and the reader in this fun children’s book, as he and his mother navigate a difficult morning in the life of a young boy with sensory issues.
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    Now more than ever, states are mandating that children with special needs be included in the general education classroom. As a result, all educational professionals, from teachers to administrators, need specific training on how to handle unusual behaviors.
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    This fascinating new book fills a missing void in the child-rearing world. It explains everything from the basics of nursing to SIDS, to facial massage, and finishes with the secrets to good speech development and keys to enhancing your child’s best natural appearance.
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    Appropriate for children, families, and professionals, this wonderful book brings to life the story of Sam, whose over-sensitivity creates chaos and frustration in his life. Sam’s various sensory sensitivities adversely affect Sam’s experiences, both at home and in the classroom. He walks readers through his typical day of sensory blunders (which many kids and families may find all too familiar!).
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    In this illustrated book for children ages six through nine, and based on the article, How One Adult With SPD  Wants to Explain this Condition to Your Sensory Child , SPD adult advocates Rachel and Kelly will lead kids and their parents through the basic ins-and-outs of what it means to have Sensory Processing Disorders(SPD).
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    As a teacher, Jim Yerman has “lived with autism” for over thirty years. In many ways, his students have become part of his family. And, as with a family, he has learned to laugh and find humor in the absurdity of everyday situations, for they certainly exist! This book chronicles some of those situations. Most of them are humorous, some are sad, and a few are downright surreal.
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    Starting Sensory Therapy offers 100+ activities and games for children with Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD). Parent of a son with SPD, author Bonnie Arnwine chose activities that require minimal time, money, and clean-up. Most “ingredients” are already on hand: empty yogurt cups, string, soap, flour, paper plates, etc.
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    Although medication should always be a last resort, many people on the autism spectrum claim that medication has improved their lives significantly. But how can a parent decide which meds to choose or which to stay away from? Written by a doctor and father to a child with autism, this book provides the answers that parents and non-medical professionals need.
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    Voted “Teacher of the Year” by ASA, Toni Flowers invites readers to learn from, tweak, and refine the strategies she’s used during her quartercentury of teaching children with autism. Chockfull of great ideas, this book tackles some of the thorniest problems (runners, homework, screamers, setting limits, aggression, etc.) facing teachers and parents. It will quickly become a goto book in your library!
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    This delightfully illustrated chapter book geared for 8-to-12 year olds, tells the charming tale of five family members and their naughty dog (each with a different sensory processing challenge), and how they get in sync after a tough day. The book is designed with the action of the story in larger print for younger readers to read or hear. Explanations of sensory processing issues are woven throughout the story in regular type for proficient readers to linger over at leisure.
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    At long last, the Autism Angel spreads her wings! This powerful guide to intervention and education empowers you with skills and motivation to foster success in youngsters with autism. Each page contains uplifting strategies, experience-based wisdom, and heart-fueling inspiration to help caregivers and professionals apply the techniques and attitudes that have made Jennifer Abeles one of the most respected professionals in the autism community.
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    When sensory processing is impaired, lights can be too bright, sounds too loud, and clothes can actually be painful on the skin. It can be practically impossible for children to tolerate their day, let alone learn in a classroom. In this book, with a foreword by best-selling special-needs author Carol Kranowitz, neuropsychologist Dr. Roya Ostovar helps parents to help their children.
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    In the beloved classic book The Way I See ItDr. Temple Grandin gets to the REAL issues of autism―the ones parents, teachers, and individuals on the spectrum face every day. In this updated fifth edition, Temple offers helpful dos and don’ts, practical strategies, and try-it-now tips all based on her insider perspective and a great deal of research.
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    This is Gabriel Making Sense of School provides a look into the challenges children with Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) face in the classroom. This easy to read and beautifully illustrated picture book gives teachers, parents and students a better understanding of all seven senses, how they are each affected at school and what kinds of accommodations are necessary to help children with SPD become learning sensations!
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    Author Robert J. Bernstein has found a different approach based on cognition thinking in helping people of all ages with ASD. Rob’s goal is for people with ASD to be able to live in the world and connect with the people in it as themselves, to express their unique humanity and engage more fully in the human interactions that give life meaning and make it worth the effort of getting out of bed every day. He believes that whatever he does therapeutically must be on the ASD individual’s terms; he or she must lead.
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    Jerry Newport, diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome / High Functioning Autism at age 47, wrote this book for those with developmental disorders, but it resonates with people with any disability. His message: everyone has the power, and the right, to improve the quality of their lives despite their disability. Don’t believe you must be “normal” to be happy; learn to co-exist with neuro-typicals, and become the best human being you can be.
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    This Book Details "ordinary life" for Someone Living with Autism
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    Newly diagnosed Autism aids
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    Carly's Voice: Breaking Through Autism - Inspiring book from Carly's point of view.
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    Steve Gutstein, a psychologist and autism specialist, has dedicated his life to bridging the social gap between children with autism and the rest of us. The result of his efforts is an innovative program—Relational Development Intervention—that takes social skills teaching to the next level.
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    More than a delightful story, Captain Tommy teaches understanding and kindness. Tommy goes to “”space camp”” and meets John, a boy who seems “”spaced out”” and different from other children. The camp counselor makes Tommy the captain of the spaceship, and gives him the job of getting John to interact with the other space-kids.
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    La edición revisada del innovador libro de 1998 que introdujo el Trastorno del procesamiento sensorial (SPD) a padres, maestros y otros no especialistas. SPD es un problema común y frecuentemente diagnosticado erróneamente en el cual el sistema nervioso central malinterpreta los mensajes de los sentidos. Esta nueva edición presenta información adicional sobre déficits visuales y auditivos, dificultades de habilidades motoras, TDAH, autismo, síndrome de Asperger y otros trastornos relacionados.
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    ¡Ganador de un premio 2008 Teachers’ Choice Award! La ansiedad puede ser debilitante para cualquiera, pero puede ser especialmente confusa para un niño. Aprender sobre las emociones ayuda a los niños a reconocer las conexiones entre pensar y sentir, y los efectos fisiológicos de la ansiedad en el cuerpo (sudoración, aumento del ritmo cardíaco, llanto, etc.).
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    ¡Ganador de un premio 2008 Teachers’ Choice Award! Muchos niños, especialmente aquellos con retrasos en el desarrollo, tienen problemas para comprender o expresar sus sentimientos. Esto puede resultar en dificultades con el manejo de la ira. Listar las posibles respuestas a las situaciones, y el resultado probable de cada una, le permite al niño tomar decisiones informadas sobre qué respuestas elegir (por ejemplo, alejarse frente a golpear).


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