Swinging and spinning using an autism swing could be just what your child needs!

The vestibular system inside our bodies is based on the inner ear and helps to control how we feel when we’re put into different motion situations. The information from the vestibular system is sent to our brains and helps to control movements and balance, space and gravity. When this information is combined with the sensory information from our eyes, joints muscles it gives our brain a complete picture and allows us to move and balance with ease. It’s this system which often determines whether people love hitting rollercoaster rides all day long or get sick in the car during road trips.

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You may be surprised to learn that one of the best techniques for strengthening the vestibular system is through swinging and spinning! It may sound like a fun way to strengthen your body, but an autism swing is also an important way to help build up the vestibular system, calm overstimulated children, and also help them to fall asleep.

Problems with the vestibular system or vestibular dysfunction manifest in several different ways, some of which you may have already observed. Your child could be overly sensitive to movement and avoid these situations, while others may seek out movement-based activities and appear at time to be hyperactive to the point of it being extreme. Some of the activities hypersensitive children may have problems with are:

  • Look like they may lose their balance at times, often holding their arms extended for no apparent reason.
  • Fear crawling or walking.
  • Avoid any form of physical exercise.
  • Appear to be clumsy or uncoordinated often tripping over themselves or bumping into things which other people would easily avoid.
  • Dislike swings and other motion-based activities.

The Top Tips for Improving the Vestibular System Are:

  • Swinging in a controlled environment using an autism swing.
  • Remember to start off slowly and don’t try to do too much too fast.
  • Games which involve spinning and swinging and using your balance skills.
  • Running obstacles courses which involve climbing, jumping, crawling and running.
  • Learning to ride a bike is a great way to learn to control balance.