Autism advocates are praising a German software company for its plan to hire people with autism as software testers, programmers and data quality assurance specialists.

SAP, which employs more than 65,000 people worldwide, said it sees a “potential competitive advantage to leveraging the unique talents of people with autism, while also helping them to secure meaningful employment.” It will partner with Specialisterne – Danish for “The Specialists” – to recruit people on the autism spectrum.

“By concentrating on the abilities that every talent brings to the table, we can redefine the way we manage diverse talents,” SAP executive board member Luisa Delgado said in a statement. “With Specialisterne, we share a common belief that innovation comes from the ‘edges.’ Only by employing people who think differently and spark innovation will SAP be prepared to handle the challenges of the 21st century.”

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Autism affects one in 50 children, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. And while many children often qualify for special services, advocacy groups say adults often struggle to find the support they need.

“There’s a significant need to provide better services and more support for children with autism transitioning into adulthood,” said Peter Bell, executive vice president for programs and services at Autism Speaks. “We’re thrilled that a major global company such as SAP has made this kind of announcement, which sounds like firm commitment to really address a major need in the autism community.”

“We’re looking forward to seeing how this plays out and whether other companies follow suit,” Bell added.

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