You hear a lot about people doing nice things, but a grocery store workers’ act of kindness towards a young man with autism in Baton Rouge is setting the social media world on fire!

17-year-old Jack Ryan Edwards was shopping with his father in their local Baton Rouge supermarket when Jack suddenly stopped. Jack, who has autism, was fixated on the orange juice in the fridge unit. This wasn’t an unusual situation for Jack’s dad to find him and his son in. Jordan Taylor, the Rouses Supermarket employee, noticed it too and offered Jack one of the orange juice bottles.

Teen with Autism Helps Stock ShelvesThere was no reaction from Jack, and Jordan suddenly worked out what was happening. Hey, do you want to help me?” Taylor asked, according to Jack’s father. Jack, who is limited verbally, and doesn’t speak a lot repeated, “Help me. The two of them carefully and systematically refilled the fridge together for over thirty minutes.

Jack’s father has learned a lot about autism and experienced many different reactions from strangers. He understands that most people haven’t experienced autism or interacting with someone that has autism, so they’re not always sure how to react or handle the situation. What I’ve learned is our world doesn’t accept autistic kids. It’s impossible for those kids to enter our world,” Edwards said. “We spend so much time working on that, but this man figured it out in eight seconds: He went into Jack Ryan’s world.

It was Jack’s older sister Delaney Edwards Alwosaibi that saw the video her father took in the store and posted it on the social media site Facebook. Jordan was a champion of inclusion that day,she said. “He might not have known at the time but he was an advocate for our kids, for everyone who has a sibling, child or student with disability. The video has had hundreds of thousands of shares on social media, and the Edwards family wanted to help reward Taylor’s act of kindness. They have started a GoFundMe college fund for Taylor which has already raised over $83,000.